ADEPT Circuits can provide technical draughting expertise to prepare professional drawings. We specialise in producing computer aided drawings using AutoCAD. Our experienced draughtsman has worked in the water, oil, gas and nuclear industries as well as in drink dispensing design.
You may not have an adequate drawing workload to employ a full time draughtsman, however, surges of work can occur. When this happens, your drawing office capacity can be increased immediately, offsite, by using our services.
We can:
· Convert any paper drawing from paper to CAD. You may be looking at converting your drawing library into a digital form or, are looking to produce drawings suitable for manufacture or assembly from prototype sketches.
· Produce 2D component part drawings
· Produce 2D sub-assembly and general assembly drawings
· Prepare drawings in support of your design of electronic products.
· Completed CAD drawings delivered electronically in a variety of formats
· Produce drawings to your own drawing office specifications
We offer an accurate, high quality service.
Email us with your drawing requirements at: